Customized boxes are a wonderful way to enhance your product with high-quality, aesthetically pleasing, unique packaging. Perhaps you already know this, but have run into a bigger problem - you waited too long to order them or underestimated how many you would need last time you ordered, and now it’s going to take too long to receive the custom packaging you need. Now you’re wondering, ‘How can I get boxes faster? I can I get boxes now?” Fortunately there are a few tricks of the trade... Read More»

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After the effects of the recession, the consumer package goods industry has had to change its strategies and react to consumer demand. Today the emphasis is on faster, cheaper, and locally sourced packaging that meets costumer needs while remaining affordable. Several key markets have driven this trend towards specialized packaging. Cosmetics With the rise of the always-online lifestyle, consumers have less free time and are less inclined to spend time applying cosmetics. This has led to... Read More»

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Whether you are a full-fledged online business or an occasional seller on Amazon or eBay, there may be times when you need to ship fragile items to a customer. Glass, computers, china and antiques are items that can easily break if not boxed and shipped properly. From the time the item is boxed to the time it reaches the customer, the item has likely traveled hundreds if not thousands of miles, either on a plane or a delivery truck. Understanding how to package the item is of utmost... Read More»

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Cosmetic package design has come a long way in recent years with new materials and a more consumer driven product design industry. Thanks to social media, companies have better resources to see what appeals to their customers but also greater challenges in trying to stand out and garner long term customers. Some cosmetic companies are trying dramatic new design ideas to appeal to their customer base. Bamboo Woman... Read More»

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In the packaging and printing service industry, knowing how to effectively and efficiently meet customer demands is critical. It can be difficult to determine what type of packaging design is right at all times, but it never fails to use a solid structural design approach. The important thing to remember is that the only way to meet client expectations is to know their products. What is it that they do and what exactly are their needs? Being aware of what they sell is the first step towards... Read More»

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If your company is in need of a product packaging solution, you will want to take the time to thoroughly assess what the most cost-effective options are available. This not only means knowing what type of package style will cost the least to have manufactured, but also being aware of what your specific marketing needs are. In particular, the two main package design styles are straight tuck and reverse tuck. The former refers to packages that contain fold closures at the rear end, with the front... Read More»

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The CMYK colour model is the colour printing process used by many print companies, and it refers to the way in which cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black) are aligned and mixed to create an entire range of colours. In essence, these four colours are the baseline for the spectrum; that being said, it is important for printing firms to use machinery that keeps them in perfect alignment in order to avoid errors in the printing process. Have you ever wondered how colour printing works? Many people... Read More»

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Selling is an art; it requires creativity and an acute understanding of how the human mind works. Even if you have the end-all, be-all utilitarian product (most uses for the most people), your sales will be greatly impacted if you don’t know how to effectively market it. Most people tend to be attracted to products based on their visual appearance in comparison to other factors. However, it should be noted that not all colours work for all products; if you are a manufacturer, you will need to... Read More»

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